Russian Empire was a country with very strict laws. All musicians of that time had a life full of different troubles. Everyone, who was born as a bondman had to serve his master, but if someone got lucky and was born, as a free man, he met a very big threat from European musicians. People had no way to make music their main employment. As you can see there were a very big amount of factors, which deteriorated an evolution of classic music in Russia.
Glinka not just lived in music, music was his entire life. That’s why, when you listen to his music, you can hear the voice, the soul of that time, which was perfectly transmitted by the composer. There were two events, which mostly influenced on Glinka. The first one was victory under Napoleon, such a powerful act of bravery of Russian soldiers made composer believe in his country. The second one was Decembrist revolt – act of liberty, which was brutally stopped by the Russian government. “The soul of slavery” firmly entrenched in hearts of Russian people.
The hard life of that time didn’t stop Glinka to live in music. He used every opportunity to learn something new about poetry, too. He was fond of Zhukovsii's ballads, Delvig's poems. He was the first one, who responded to Lermontov's oeuvre. But most of all he loved Pushkin's muse. Glinka and Pushkin often met and spent time together talking and analyzing the art of that time.
The composer and the poet were much related. They both had a thought about their duty to develop Russian culture. And what is the better way to develop something, than by creating something new and unique? That's why they decided to combine their efforts and oeuvre to create absolutely magnificent peace of art. The top of their endeavors was opera "Ruslan and Ludmila". Text was written by Pushkin and music was created by Glinka.
From his childhood Glinka dreamed of traveling the world. As soon as he got that opportunity he rushed to Italy. Composer spent there nearly three years a filled himself with some new, unexpected impressions. But he didn't forget about sense of his life- music. He met with lots of foreign musicians, listened to music and played on piano himself. After leaving hospitable and smart Italy, Glinka traveled to Germany, where he earnestly engaged in the systematization of his knowledge and experience.
Getting back to Russia, Glinka began to work hard and create. His legendary compositions were created in that period: "The wish", "Waltz fantasy" and "Ivan Susanin". These masterpieces are still decided as best of the best in Russian classic music. Glinka's music passed the test of the time and still alive in our time. All main characteristics of Russian music are gathered there: its moral strength, its truthfulness and its unique, modest and pure beauty are perfectly transmitted in composer’s music.