On Russia being the biggest country in the world:

- Russia is so big, it spans 9 time zones. (reduced from 12)
- There are 80 nightclubs in Moscow alone.
- Vodka accounts for 10% of the government’s income.
- Russia has 12 seas!
- Russia covers 1/7th of the total land of planet Earth.
Russian Factoids about arts & culture:
- Many famous writers come from Russia. Alexander Pushkin, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, and Nikolai Gogol, just to name a few.
- Does the name Anna Pavlova mean anything to you? She was one of the most famous ballet dancers of her time.
- Russia launched the first man in space, Yuri Gagarin.
- Religious icons are very important to Russian people; many houses have at least one.
- Tea and bread are always offered to guests… Russians are #1 for hospitality!
More "facts" and "toids" on Russia:
- Russia has the most beautiful women in the world.
- Tetris was created by a Russian man, Alexei Pazhitnov!
- There was royalty in Russia; one who survived a massacre was Anastasia.
- Russians give flowers with an odd number in the bouquet, even number flowers are for funerals.
funrussian.com, wikipedia.com, www.tsar-events.com/intersting-facts-about-russia/, wanttoknowit.com/interesting-facts-about-russia/
About the author
Lindsey Mae is freelance artist who enjoys writing posts for Arina Anashkina and The Russian Store.