When someone says "Russian Dolls" do you automatically think of nesting dolls? Well, there are more Russian dolls out there that don’t nest, stack, or come apart at the middle.
Porcelain Princesses
Take a look at these Russian porcelain dolls. They are made with porcelain hands and a hand-painted porcelain face. Their traditional Russian dress was all hand crafted in with excellent detail. They wear a kokoshnik, or headpiece that is inspired by what Russian royalty wore throughout history. These lovely Russian dolls make quite an impression in a any doll collection, as well as an interesting addition to any historians collection.
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Known as "tumbler toys" or "Roly-poly toys" in America, Nevalyashka, or Vanka-Vstanka, is the traditional toy for babies in Russia. "Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down," is essentially what is going on with these. They come in many sizes and colors but this one pictured is a classic. Nevalyashka is also known as "shut up baby" toy because it makes a comforting clinking sound that calms babies.
Wooden Roly-Polys

Similarly, there are chime ball toys which babies and toddlers love. They roll around yet don't fall down, just like Nevalyashka. These hand-made, hand-painted wooden toys have a chime inside that also make a pleasant sound for young-ins.
Russian Barbie Dolls
What about Russian barbies? There are a few different Russian styled barbies…

From left to right: 2011 Barbie Fan Club exclusive doll Ekaterina, 2005 Princess of Imperial Russia Barbie Doll, Russia Collection Mila Barbie Doll, World Russia Barbie Doll, Barbie Fashion Model Collection Russia Verushka Doll, and Barbie Fashion Model Collection Russia Ken Doll
Masha Doll

Masha from "Masha and the Bear" Russian Fairy Tale
This doll is most like the typical baby doll that a youngster would carry around.
Masha and the bear became very popular thanks to the animated series that first aired on January 7, 2009. The hit series was created by Oleg Kuzovkov and produced by Animaccord Animation Studio (Moscow, Russia). The fun Russian episodes were such a success that the animated series was translated into many other languages.
You can check out full episodes of the new spin-off, "Masha's Tales" on their colorful website (mashabear.com).

And then there is Cherebushka… isn't he the cutest?
Russian writer, Eduard Uspensky, wrote a story in 1965 about an animal unknown to science called Cherebushka. First he was just literary character, then he was in an animated film, and soon enough Cherebushka dolls were all over the place! Cheburashka even became the official mascot for the Russian Olympic Team in numerous Olympics! His big eyes and humongous ears are just too cute to resist.
About the author
Lindsey Mae is freelance artist who enjoys writing posts for Arina Anashkina and The Russian Store.